* New dates TBA *

You create your life through the inner power of your being, whose source is within you and yet beyond the selves that you know. Use those creative abilities with understanding abandon. Honor yourselves and move through the godliness of your being.” Jane Roberts

Past lives may be forgotten, but their influence is always felt. They shape our thoughts, emotions and desires.Why Uncovering past lives? Because the benefits for personal empowerment, healing, and enlightenment are tremendous.One aspect of empowerment is to bring our past-life awareness into this lifetime. The second aspect of empowerment is to go into new levels of awareness that we have never experienced.

A "past life regression" is a general term for a relaxed experience in which a practitioner/hypnotherapist guides the participants into a light hypnosis (similar to meditative state of mind), where you relax enough to go into the subconscious mind where all memories of other lifetimes are being stored. All the records of your past lives are contained within your own mind,

Participants often gain new understanding and knowledge about their emotional, mental, physical or spiritual self through this experience and receive healing. There is always a reason to go back to a past life.  It can be to find your life purpose, heal relationships, un-block fears and so much more.The most important thing is to listen to the messages that come through in a past life regression. Trust that the subconscious takes you where you need to go to!

In this workshop you will experience

  • A past life regression

  • Meeting your Guide (or Guardian Angel)

Join Hara Katsiki, Quantum Healer and Past Life Regression hypnotherapist, for a Group Regression Experience. Accomplished by simple visualization and imagery techniques, the entire group is taken back in time to past lives, then they meet their spiritual guides or guardian angel. After these experiences, they write down what they have seen, and there is group interaction and discussion. 

Suitable for all levels, whether you have had similar experiences before, or if you are completely new to the idea of regression! No previous experience is necessary.

“Through the process of reincarnation we have all lived on other planets and in other dimensions and we will continue to do so after our lessons on Earth have been completed. Earth is merely a school - one of many in our long education.” Dolores Cannon