My mission in this world is to be of service to humanity, inspire, anchor love into the Earth, liberate the souls who have lost their way on this planet to find their role and meaning in life, give encouragement and hope.

Hara Katsiki

Hara Katsiki originates from Athens Greece and is currently based in Berlin, Germany. She was born with a range of extrasensory gifts which today she uses to inspire and assist people in uplifting and shaping themselves towards self-empowerment, freedom, and joy. She is an ancient spiritual teacher from many different lifetimes, an in-depth healer, a natural voice of spirit and a universal ambassador of peace and goodwill. She is able to look into peoples energy and know where there are abnormalities. Hara is gifted to connect with the heart of the spirit, relating to Gaia. A healer that assist others in being able to realize the potentials they hold within themselves and shift into new perspectives of consciousness. Her strong feline and cetacean energies, reinforce her in sharing love, being multidimensional and being able to feel herself connecting to many different people on a very deep empathic level.

Hara is offering private sessions as a Quantum healer, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Intuitive Guide and Mentor for Quantum Healing practitioners. She is also developing and organizing in person and online workshops classes amd retreats, teaching and sharing her knowledge and wisdom in the fields of Heart Based living, Presence, Healing, psychic & intuition development, self discovery, Ascension, consciousness, expanding awareness and assisting people in their steps into the New Earth. She is also an author, writing articles in the field of healing and spirituality and has an active YouTube channel since 2017.

As a visionary and explorer of the creative realms Hara is also a multi awarded self-taught intuitive visual artist. Through her work, she attempts to transcend the physical world and portray a wider vision of awareness. Her art reflects the intuitive nature that resides within us all and infuses a deep connection to heart, mind, and spirit. To visit her fine art portfolio please visit

* Credentials *

QHHT ® Level 2

Certified Level 1 practitioner in 2015 / Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy by Dolores Cannon

Certified Level 2 practitioner in 2017 / Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy by Dolores Cannon


Certified in 2017 as a teacher of the “JOURNEYS INTO THE HEART” workshop

Certified in 2017 as a teacher of the “HEART IMAGERY”workshop

by the School of the Heart, found by Daniel Mittel.


Certified in 2023 by the Eckhart Tolle Foundation


Certified practitioner in 2020 by Candace Craw-Goldman / QUANTUM HEALERS


Certified practitioner in 2019 by Karen E.Wells, THE ACADEMY OF THRIVING THERAPY


Certified practitioner in 2024 by Dr. Joe Vitale

* Additional Training *

Awakening the Illuminated Heart

by Drunvalo Mielchizedek,The School of Remembering / 2015

Channeling Development Course

by Alexandra Kallos / 2018

Energy Transfer Reset (ETR)

by Beverly Nation / 2019

How to Channel

by Lee Harris / 2020

Recognizing Extraterrestrial Frequencies

by Deborah Solaris / 2021

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“My goal is to empower you, to bring in the light and power of your soul into the body, becoming your True Self, fulfilling your birth right as a true cosmic being, feeling love of life and new levels of joy that will amaze you as it enters your awareness! Through use of my tools, healing modalities, workshops and meditations, you will quickly learn to bridge that gap between the Higher Self and the physical body, ultimately fully incarnating the soul into the body, moving beyond those denser vibrational frequencies of the 3rd and 4th dimensions”